
Construction Tools in Ghana

Construction Tools in Ghana

 In Ghana, construction equipment must meet certain certification and standard Requirements to ensure safety and quality in construction activities. They include:

1. Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) Product Certification
2. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standards
3. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Regulations
4. EN (European Norm) Standards


ISO standards for construction equipment in Ghana include ISO 12100, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001.

Import Value

According to the World Bank, Ghana’s construction machinery and equipment Imports were valued at $841 million in 2019.

Competitors in Ghana

1. Asanduff Group of Companies
2. Elgyboat Enterprise
3. Harena Home Depot
4. Elgyboat Roofing and Construction
5. Chesapeake Development Company Ghana
6. Intric Agency Company Limited
7. Marafari Enterprise

8. Nabco Land and Property Developers Ltd
9. Pilkar Plastics Industry Limited
10. Super Warehouse
11. Vappy Limited
12. Haiflow SAL Offshore
13. Obra Pa Tiles